#30daysofblogging Day 11; A Rant

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Apologies before I even write this post but you are getting a rant today. I am so frustrated right now, I really thought long and hard about writing this because I don’t want to be that person, but I think I might explode if I don’t say it.

It’s another Corona virus post which, gain, I don’t want to write about but it’s the most important thing right now and believe it or not I plan some positive blogs relating to it but today, is not one of those days.

The vast majority of those who read this post, these moans won’t apply to you. However I am so angry at all the people out there, in the Uk but abroad too who are not doing what the e parts are telling them to do. I know that it’s been confusing, believe me I’ve been vocal about getting laughable ‘advice’ when this whole thing started but now things are serious and we are seeing a change in how it’s being dealt with.

Certain countries are on lock down, we in England (and only slightly varied in the uk) have been advised to avoid restaurants, pubs, public transport; to stay at home in isolation as much as possible. Schools are closing as of tomorrow, theatres, cinemas and many restaurant chains, hotels etc have closed their doors. Obviously there are some exceptions to this but even then, everyone should take protective measures for themselves and society.

I can’t put it any clearer than this. Stay at home unless you absolutely have to go out and take precautions like gloves, covering your mouth, hand sanitizer, hand washing etc if you do. I do not mean going out to socialise or buy up the entire stock of your local supermarket. THAT IS NOT A REASON TO GO OUT. 
While I’m here, will everyone STOP PANIC BUYING. There have been numerous posts from Italy, a country in lockdown who are still able to buy supplies that they need and have not got empty shelves because they aren’t turning into selfish expletives.
By buying things that others need 1) you are keeping them from those who need them, the elderly, those on low incomes, the vulnerable and small children (there is no way you need to stock pile baby milk if you don’t have a baby, even then you don’t need huge amounts).  Also do you live in a mansion with a walk in freezer? Because if not where the hell is it all going to go?

There is plenty of information around. Use it instead of turning up at hospital if you don’t need to. These amazing NHS staff have actual problems to deal with, families they don’t get to see, breaks they don’t get to take because they are risking their own help selflessly to help us. DO NOT MAKE THEIR JOB HARDER. If I need to tell you not to steal hand sanitizer, masks, any supplies from a hospital, don’t ever come back to read this blog again and instead go and look at yourself in the mirror. You disgust me.

Lastly, will certain people QUIT YOUR WHINGING AND SELFISHNESS. I’m seeing people going on trips in the US because ‘well I’m going to party it’s my holiday/ I’ve had it booked for months’. If that’s your attitude then you don’t need to be getting drunk on a beach you need a course of bloody reality. I’ve seen people moan about cancelling holidays, someone in Bali moaning they had to come home a week early, people going against advice and eating out because ‘it’s my birthday!’. I’ve spent a birthday in ICU and consider myself lucky because it’s only been once. I know friends who have done this multiple times.
The chronically ill are often overlooked. We cancel things we have looked forward to all the time. Last year I planned to go for a special meal in March, 6 times we rescheduled because of health issues and ended up going in September. I’ve cancelled holidays, theatre trips, days out; you name it I’ve probably rescheduled it. I’ve lost money and faced severe depression and self loathing in the process, the eternal grief of cancelling things I look forward to. What’s more I know while armies of people in the same boat, those that like me, self isolate on a regular basis to avoid germs the majority of the world couldn’t care less about. Those who are bed bound. Bed bound. As in don’t leave their beds, for months or years. Those who are housebound who can’t join the rest of the world. Those like myself with little immune system who have survived so much but can be taken out by a simple cold. Plus thousands more with illnesses, hidden conditions, mobility issues, fatigue, pain, the list is endless who constantly live with the sadness of not being able to plan things, cancelling things they look forward to, are restricted in what they can do, are often isolated and are as terrified and fearful as most people are now, but constantly.  In two or three weeks they will still be dealing with these issues when many won’t.

Basically suck it up. If you are lucky enough to be able majority of the time be grateful because for some, they are restricted full time, they are also the ones at greatest risk right now. Stop being so selfish and think what you can do to help not hinder.  I’ll leave you with this as it sums up my thoughts pretty well.

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