

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Even though I only posted a week ago quite a few things seem to have happened so thought I'd write an update while I had time. I'm starting my new literature course this week and spare time is going to be at a premium! I must admit I am really daunted by this course, it's called "the nineteenth century novel" and from what I've read so far is pretty hard going. It really is so difficult to study now compared to when i first started, I have the constant niggling thoughts that transplant could come at any time and stop study which in turn would lose me work and money, not anything in the grand scheme of things but irritating. Same deal with sudden drop in health. I have lots of times when I get too tired, sick etc to work and then have to catch up, plus study time is greatly restricted by my treatment regieme. None of this helps with feeling daunted by it all! At the same time am i prepared to let CF take one more aspect of my life out of my control? Hell no! It definately doesn't do for me to have too much time on my hands so I push myself pretty hard (often to the point where I take on a little too much).
I have a couple of good pieces of news. First of all last time I posted I said that I had appealed my last course result and as a mistake had been made it was being reviewed. Last week I heard that my result had been changed from a grade 2 pass to a distinction! I am a very happy bunny about this as I was so close to this grade and now it has been reconsidered I've finally got it. It just shows that you should always fight for what you think is right. This now means that I am on target to achieve a 1st at degree level, although this is a long way off yet.
Second piece of good news is that last week I had my iron infusion. I was in as a day case and the nurses on the ward were lovely, extremely kind and friendly. I am (as readers know) not great with needle and canula's but this time it went in first time with no problems. The infusion went through and after observation to make sure I had no reaction to it I was free to go. I felt pretty tired and giddy from the exersion but otherwise fine. I'm so glad that I haven't experienced any gastric problems like I did on the tablets as that was horrendous.
Third piece of good news it that it looks as though my little blog will be getting a bit of a make over! I was asked if i would like one by a lovely team who offer this service to those who blog for therapy and i jumped at the chance. It won't be underway for a few weeks yet but I am very excited about geting my blog made to look all pretty! I can't give anyway any design secrets but keep a look out and hopefully you will see the new look appearing in the future.

I'm up to Harefield (my transplant centre) next Wednesday for clinic, which although it's good to keep in touch with the team will also result in a long and exhausting day. Healthwise I am the same as usual, feeling tired and breathless doing very little and despite being on maximum bronchiodialtors (for opening the airways) I am still very closed down and generally struggling rather a lot. Here's hoping that call isn't too far away. It's nearly a year since the last one and I think I'm due another don't you?

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  1. Congrats with your study result, I am sure a first is just a matter of time!

    I am sure the team at Harefield are on the case and you will get your turn ASAP.

    Keep tweeting and blogging you ae such an inspiration more than you realise.

  2. Great news about your re-marked work and getting your distinction :)

    I'm glad to hear your infusion hasn't upset you as much as you feared

    Hope everything goes really well for you on wednesday and hopefully you will receive that call soon.

    Keep going you really put my problems in perspective, love reading your tweets and your blog xx

  3. Hay!!...Glad to hear you got a distinction...hope that call comes soon.

  4. Thats fab news about the re marked work...woop!

    So super happy bout you're blog makeover...I think its going to look wonderful :-) Your ideas as fabulous! You were the first person I thought of!!

    I agree with you re: studying and waiting for transplant I started mine whilst waiting for my life call and to be honest it kept me focused and positive that my life would continue once better. I found the OU to be really supportive and were really good at exam time where I nearly sat mine in ICU except I became even more poorly and needed to be in a cubicle. There were some infection issues so in the end it was rescheduled for later and I completed my final TMA in ICU! Perfect tho some might say 'nuts!'

    Happy studying princess and lemme know when new look blog goes live!! Very exciting xxx

  5. hi,

    Will be good to see your blog all different, i hope you had lots of input on how it will look!

    So glad your day on lind worked ok - will you need to go again or was it a one off?

    Your defintely due for another call soon, and wishing with all my might, it will be THE ONE!

    lots of hugs xxxxx

  6. Dear Tor and Chris,
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