
My (not really) bucket list

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I'm sitting in bed at the moment under snugly blankets with a hot pad on my back and a fan on my front because I'm feeling pretty sick and exhausted right now. It's not the most fun but I felt like writing something and I need a bit of positivity so I'm going to write a ' bucket list' of sorts. Now it's not a real bucket list but more of a "my life has been taken over by illness and especially these last 10 months so I deserve some fun once this is over and these are the things I'd love to do" list (doesn't have the same ring to it tho).

The thing about serious illness is it gives you a lot of time to think and it also makes you appreciate you do not have forever to do the things you want. It can surprise you too. When I felt I was unlikely to make it out of surgery alive I was really surprised to find travel was something I wished I'd done more of, mainly because it is a number one anxiety for me but obviously it also means something too. So no way a comprehensive list and hopefully I'll have lots more time to write lists but let's say in the next year I'd love to tick some of these off.

1) This is a random one but I would love to go to Disneyland Paris for the Halloween party. I'm not sure why but I just think it would be a great atmosphere and a fun way to celebrate Halloween that I don't celebrate generally! 

2) I would love to go to the Warner Bros Harry Potter tour when they do a quiz night. They did one a few months ago, no idea if they'll be doing them again but it sounded amazing! 

3) We have Centre Parcs booked from when we were unable to go last year so I really hope I can enjoy that stay just after chemo is due to finish. 

4) last year I found out 3 days before a planned trip to Copenhagen that I had cancer. I would LOVE to go this year to prove I beat its arse! 

5) Lots of Christmassy things, I missed out last year. So some London based Christmas time, and things like enjoying decorating the house etc, would be fabulous.

6) I really fancy a good spa day/days. To really let my body feel pampered and not have to worry about timinings and energy to rush off at the end of the day. A massage is high on my list.

7) I'd also love to visit some of my friends around the uk, or have some uk short breaks away. Easier for me to manage and lovely to spend time with people I love and who supported me through this.

8) I need to see some theatre. Theatre. Any theatre. And London, I love London. 

9) I would like to visit somewhere in Europe, I think Italy is top of the list but I loved Paris so that's there too and I'm more open to other areas.

10) Basic as many of you will find this, getting my independence back once again and having the energy etc to go out by myself and do my own thing would be so lovely. Terrifying but amazing too. 

Obviously there are so many other things and a lot on the list won't actually happen but it's a positive that right now I can even contemplate a future with fun things in it, which I haven't really been able to imagine. 

What would be on your wish list? Is there anything you think I should add to mine? 

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